Sushant Singh Rajput’s brother-in-law slams Rhea Chakraborty in her attempt to change the narrative of SSR case
Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s brother in law, Vishal Kirti, has slammed Rhea Chakraborty on her interview with a

Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s brother in law, Vishal Kirti, has slammed Rhea Chakraborty on her interview with a friendly media channel. He said that it was a failed attempt to change the narrative of the ongoing case.
Vishal is Sushant’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti’s husband who lives in US. After Rhea claimed that Sushant took drugs and was facing mental issues in her interview, Vishal came up with a long blog post on his personal blog. In the post he has defended SSR’s family and has written a long blog post defending the late actor’s family, and coming down on Sushant’s girlfriend Rhea for claims that the actor took drugs and addressed all the claims of Rhea proving her wrong.
He haven’t taken Rhea’s name in the entire blog post, but opened up about the “infamous interviews of the prime suspect who is currently under investigation by three central agencies — ED, CBI and NCB”.
Pointing out on how “mental health is being used by the accused as a cover-up for a crime”, he wrote:
“First, a big disclosure has been made by sources in CBI to an honest media house that moments before Sushant’s reported time of death, he was looking at properties in Himachal, Kerala and Coorg on his search engine. Mumbai Police mislead the entire country with a lie that he was searching for terms like ‘painless death’ before the reported time of death, according to the channel”.
Mentioning the Mumbai Polive he wrote that he felt “massive cover-up by the Mumbai police that now is the right time to set the record straight. I am a champion of mental health initiatives and have read scores of books on different aspects of mental health, including looking into DSM-5. But in this case, mental health is being used by the accused as a cover-up for a crime. Whether it’s a murder or an Abetment to Suicide case, why was the Mumbai police misleading the public? This is how I am recommending people to look at this case while the investigation is ongoing. If it was a suicide, it was induced by criminal forces (whether it’s unnecessary prescription drugs (or illegal drugs), blackmail or ‘real’ death threats, we will find out soon) and if it’s a murder, then it’s self-explanatory”.
Vishal claimed that the definition of depression that the accused gave in the interview was quite self-serving. He wrote:
“I noticed in the interviews that the accused kept bringing up ‘going to Coorg’ as a sign of depression and she would call the infamous psychiatrist to obtain meds for him as soon as Sushant brought up ‘going to Coorg’. Looks like the moment talks of Coorg came up, the accused’s rebuttal was gaslighting (one type of gaslighting is making someone believe that they have mental health issues and need medication when things are not going according to the gaslighter’s self-serving plans). Even if we believe that Sushant used to have ‘criminally induced’ depressive episodes, talks of Coorg and throwing the accused out of the home seem like an improvement in condition and a threat to the accused and the accused reacted by attempting to drug him again. The narrative which the accused and the ‘chamcha’ channels are trying to set is that it was a suicide because Sushant was not taking his genuine prescribed medications for a non-criminally induced mental health issue and the suicide happened because of the withdrawal effects of prescription medication,”
According to him, Sushant started improving around mid-May as soon as he stopped getting criminally drugged.
“Everything was an uphill since mid-May until the accused started pulling some blackmailing punches. The accused seems to have taken Sushant’s laptops, his old cell phones and other devices with her when she left the home on June 8. What was on those devices? In addition to the mental health reports, what else was she blackmailing Sushant about? The accused has been caught red-handed talking to her stooges and trying to change Sushant’s debit card pins right around the time he started improving and wanted to throw the accused out of the house,” he wrote.
Talking about confinement and control, Vishal wrote: “Confinement and control are the strengths of a sociopath. The accused says in the interview that my three sisters-in-law who went to Waterstone Resorts (which is emerging as a drug venue for the accused and her stooges) left on the same day and did not stay over and that seems to be because of familial relationship problems.”
“The real story is that though Sushant got his and his sisters’ tickets booked for Chandigarh (since he wanted to go back with them), he ultimately succumbed to the blackmailing tactics of the conspirators and got his tickets cancelled. And this is how confinement and control look like. Someone wanting to leave but held hostage with some form of control. I am glad that my sisters-in-law didn’t stay there with the accused and her stooges. Who knows what new charges she could have drummed up against my sisters-in-law, given that we know the accused’s capacity to create problems between Sushant and family by making up allegations? Same story in January 2020 when the accused forced Sushant to come back by using her specialty of control, over the phone,” he added.
Vishal pointed out further when the accused said he (Sushant) wasn’t in a good relationship with his father because his father had left him when he was young.
“The real story is that my father-in-law went to Delhi to live with Sushant and Priyanka Di while Sushant was attending a high school in Delhi and Priyanka Di was in college. To me, this is a sign of a father dedicated to his children’s education. My wife was attending high school in the best school in Patna and my late mother-in-law stayed back in Patna so that my wife could finish her schooling. All I can see is middle class parents making sacrifices to expose their children to the best opportunities and as a matter of fact Sushant’s father was living with him and supporting him. Why is she cooking up stories about father abandoning his son?”
Vishal stated on the allegations of consuming weed: “The accused’s defense after all her drug chat leaks is that it was Sushant who was doing the weed (and the accused and her stooges were only procuring it for him, the accused didn’t accept it in the interview but she cannot deny the procurement either since she has been caught red-handed with her messages). This is such a hogwash that I cannot help but roll on the ground holding my stomach. Even if we accept for a moment that it was Sushant who was doing it, what kind of partner procures drugs for their loved ones when the accused is claiming that she has never done drugs in her life. It means one of the two things. Either the accused was pushing drugs on Sushant (proving the FIR charges) or it was the accused who was doing the drugs.”
About his sister-in-law Meetu, he wrote;
“I noticed that the accused was trying to pass on the ball to Meetu Di when it came to the question as to what happened between June 8 and 14. It was a calculated move, trying to deflect the blame. For starters, we are all so thankful to Meetu Di that she was physically there for Sushant when nobody else was. Now that I think about it, living in that house with the accused’s stooges was nothing short of dangerous. What the accused should tell the CBI is if she met or communicated with Sushant (after Meetu Di left on the 12) and blackmailed him more or that was not needed because the accused knew that something bad is going to happen to Sushant as soon as Meetu Di left.”
He concluded by saying that he doesn’t feel “interviews are going to prevent her arrest, and said that it was a failed attempt to change the narrative”.