Sanjay Dutt Not Happy With Yasser Usman
However we all know that Rajkumar Hirani is working on Sanjay Dutt’s Biopic, but actor is not happy with

However we all know that Rajkumar Hirani is working on Sanjay Dutt’s Biopic, but actor is not happy with author Yasser Usman and publisher Juggernaut Books who is looking forward to publish actors biography without actors consent titled , Sanjay Dutt: The Crazy Untold Story of Bollywood’s Bad Boy.
Actor got too upset that he immediately took social platform twitter and disclosed that Usman and Juggernaut publisher has hurt his and his family sentiments. Actor further disclosed -:
‘‘I have not authorized either Juggernaut Publication or Yasser Usman to write and publish my biography, however they did so therefore our lawyer has sent them legal notice, in response to the notice Juggernaut Publication has replied that contents of the prescribed book are based on information available in public domain and collected from aunthentic sources. Howerer, from the articles that are appearing in the newspaper are partly based on my old interviews but rest all seemed to be based on rumor, 1990’s tabloids and gossips magazines, most of with is figments of imagination and not true. therefore considering al the fact I have consulted with my legal team on the next course of action”.
He further tweeted “I hope better sense will prevail and there will be no further excerpts that will hurt me or my family. My official autobiography will be out soon which will be authentic and based on facts”
Well now question arises why actor is so upset with biography, well he is upset with unauthorized biography as it showcase bad habits of Sanjay Dutt in which he indulged when he was in his childhood, as it showcase actor smoking, drinking and indulging in drug abuse etc.