Saif Support #MeToo Movement
#MeToo movement has become essential platform for woman who have been sexually assaulted and harassed by employer at work

#MeToo movement has become essential platform for woman who have been sexually assaulted and harassed by employer at work place, well from the very first day #MeToo movement came into force number of women including actress have come forward and disclosed name of Key members of Industry who have done misconduct with them.
Recently bollyood actor Saif Ali came forward and said he stand united with women who have come forward and shared stories of sexual harassment as he himself has gone through this pain.
Actor recently shared when he made his bollywood debut he also faced harassment, however it was not sexual assault, but I have been victim of harassment, he further said he was harassed during his acting career, not sexually, whenever I go back and think about harassment I feel angry. I have not talked about it publically because I am not important today, well I can feel pain of women who have been victim of sexual harassment. Well right now it becomes our duty to come forward and support #MeToo movement so that accused can be sent behind bars.
After going through above news fans of Saif Ali khan will appericate actor for coming forward and supporting #MeToo movement.