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Raveena Became Victim Of Stalking

We have heard number of times Bollywood star becoming victim of stalking, sometime stalker chase stars because they are

images-1We have heard number of times Bollywood star becoming victim of stalking, sometime stalker chase stars because they are their fans and are curious to see them from near. But sometimes stalkers are also found attacking stars as they get violent and try to harm stars. In recent incident Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon and her husband became victim of stalking.

According to lattest reports Raveen and her husband Anil Thandani filed a complaint againt a stalker at Khar Police Station Mumbai. This incident took place when a stalker tried to attack Anil Thandani at his residence in Bandra.

Raveena Tandon told that she had been watching this stalker chasing them from past many days. They were attacked by the stalker when they were moving toward club. According to the report stalker also stoned the houset of the actress before this incident he also stoned car of her husband due to this car was damaged, it all happened when  he was coming back home. After complaint was filed,  police came into action and identified stalker as 42 years old Mahavir Jaspal Pandav.

It was found that stalker was suffering from  delusional which means a type of mentle disorder. He believed Raveen to be his wife and he was protecting her from others.

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