Rahul Bhatt”s Man Naked Make Entry In Cannes
Bollywood short flick Man Naked which has managed to become nominie in Cannes have this Bollywood actor appearing bare

Bollywood short flick Man Naked which has managed to become nominie in Cannes have this Bollywood actor appearing bare body.
Man Naked is being portrayed by Rahul Bhat.
Movie showcase story of struggling actor named Ronnie who is fourty years old, taking into consideration that his acting career is ruined he gets drunk and passes out naked only to hear the doorbell ring in the middle of the night. In dramatic turn his life get twist as his naked video gets viral online due to which overnight he becomes star.
Recently movie received great applause at number of film festivals, movie managed to make it to finalist at the Tokyo International Film Festival, Semi finalist at Montreal Film Festival. It is an official selection at Venice Shorts, Cannes Independent Film festival, Goa Film Festival; it is winner best film, movie also got no for best actor and best director at The Next International film festival.
Well bold thing about short flick is Rahul Bhat appearing in a dairing avatar by getting totally nude to justify his role.
Short film is helmed by Sanjeev Kaul who is well known for directing theater and small screen projects.
Well we salute Rahul Bhat for his bold act.