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OMG SRK has secret bunglow

OMG SRK has secret bunglow in Alibaugh in Mumbai, yes you are hearing right, we are talking about SRK’s

srkOMG SRK has secret bunglow in Alibaugh in Mumbai, yes you are hearing right, we are talking about SRK’s secret bunglow. Though this news may stun his fans who are always eager to know everything about their favorite actor, however don’t feel bad about, like you number of people in Bollywood are not aware of it.

According to reports Shah Rukh Khan have bunglow in Alibaugh which is built in 8 acres of land facing sea, this bunglow contain all modern facilities. Now question arises why actor did not disclosed Alibaugh bunglow, well might be he want to keep it a secret place where he can share some special moments with his near and dear ones.

The best thing about SRK’s Alibaugh bunglow is it is covered with natural vegetation, which plays role of mask keeping it secret place for him, this is the reason his fans were not well aware of this place.

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