Synopsis |
In this movie there is a women named kantaben she runs an orphanage. And one stormy night she discovers that on abandoned baby boy is laying in front of her orphanage. As she founds that baby boy on very stormy night braving with rain and flood kantaben gets inspired, therefore she starts calling baby boy Krishna. As story progress kantaben discovers that Krishna is suffering from rare health disorders therefore kantaben and the caretaker of orphanage decide not to disclose health disorder with Krishna. Like all children krishan also grows happily playing with children. Like other orphans Krishna too seeks a love and care of father and mother. In this movie krishan get dishearten when ever other children make him feel orphan. When ever krishan get dishearten and start crying, therefore to wipe krishna’s and other children tear kantaben start telling them inspiring stories about the naughty and loveable lord Krishna As story progress one couple come forward and adopts Krishna, but after few days foster parents realize that rishna have some health disorder therefore they send him back to orphanage. Brokenhearted, discarded, Krishna cries out to lord Krishna, In misery he pleads to lord Krishna. Does Krishna fulfills krishan’s dream and prayer to watch this don’t miss to watch movie in theaters.