Katrina Talking About Betterment Of Women
Well we know number of Bollywood celebrities who are indulge in betterment of society, we have watched number of

Well we know number of Bollywood celebrities who are indulge in betterment of society, we have watched number of celebrities working for betterment of women, and however we have never heard about Katrina Kaif’s social cause.
Recently actress came forward and talked about women improvement. Recently actress attended an event encouraging education for girl child. She was found talking about empowerment of women while interacting with audience she disclosed “we are required to think about what we are doing about women in our society. She further disclosed she has become more aware about fact what we are doing for the betterment of women. Lately I have become more conscious about this, do we support our colleagues, well I always try to support a women who is around me at my best, I always motivate women to stand on their feet and become educated.
Well we salute actress for motivating women to become educated and stand on their feats.