Bollywood New Gossips

Jaaved To Sue Hacker

Bollywood actor Jaaved Jaaferi is upset with facebook user after he posted fake communal tweet in name of actor.

Jaaved To Sue Hacker

Bollywood actor Jaaved Jaaferi is upset with facebook user after he posted fake communal tweet in name of actor.

Recently actor disclosed that one facebook user posted fake communal tweet mentioning his name, due to which he is feeling upset and looking forward to take legal action against facebook user, who have done this misconduct.

For clarifying rumor actor shared video message on his twitter clarifying that screenshot which is doing around the corner contain his profile picture didn’t match with profile picture of his twitter account.

Actor further said “Hate Spreads so easily in this country”, well screenshot which is doing around the corner is fake, nor it’s my tweet, and profile picture is also fake. I don’t understand how people started reacting, before reacting they should have verified. Fake tweet was shared by person named Arvind Patel, well I ask him to prove its authenticity or make a video and apologise. Other wise I will take legal action against him, as our honourable Prime Minister has already passed order that strict action should be taken against fake news and hatemongers. Well I am ready to file defamation case against facebook user Arvind Patel soon.

While concluding his vedio actor requested miscreants to stop doing misconducts online by posting fake news for spreading Hate.

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