Latest Celebrity Gossip

Honey Singh Overcome Horrifying disorder

Singing sensation Yo Yo Honey Singh disclose his illness “Bipolar Disorder”, during his interaction with media singer revealed shocking

honey siinghSinging sensation Yo Yo Honey Singh disclose his illness “Bipolar Disorder”, during his interaction with media singer revealed shocking disorder that he battled for and came out of it as a winner.

According to reports Honey reveled when he was going through “Bipolar Disorder” illness, he was kept away from sharp objects, doctor advised his family and team members not to place any sharp object near me.

Doctor advised my family and crew member not to place mirror in my room, there was always fear that I might hurt myself or anyone else due to disorder, to avert such incident doctor advised everyone to keep sharp objects away from me added Honey Singh.

However Honey has managed to overcome this horrifying disorder and now he is leaving no stone unturned too achieve new heights. Right now he is busy with number of concerts, recently he also received stylish award, for being stylish singer of the millennium.


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