Film Exhibitors Request Salman To Go For Theater Release Instead Of OTT Platform For Radhe
Well recently we came across news that Salman has decided to release his upcoming most awaited project Radhe :

Well recently we came across news that Salman has decided to release his upcoming most awaited project Radhe : Your Most Wanted Bhai on OTT platform.
According to sources Film Exhibitors has written letter to actor requesting him to release project on EID in theaters instead of OTT platform as it will create positive environment for cinema halls, as cinema is worst affected due to corona pandemic.
Letter which film exhibitors wrote goes like this Dear Mr Salman Khan, Hope this letter finds you well. As you are aware, 2020 has been a rough year for millions of people across the country and the ones associated with India’s film exhibition sector havent been an exception. Over the last 10 months, hundreds of single screen/independent cinemas have pulled down their shutters permanently and this has resulted in the loss of livelihood for lakhs of people who were employed by them directly and indirectly.
Films are to theatres what fuel is to a car. Without a constant supply of content that is relevant to its audience, running a cinema hall is close to impossible. For over a decade now, your films have played an important role in bringing audiences to single-screen cinemas, which are otherwise starved for content that caters to the sensibilities of people who patronise them. Your film Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai is among the few that are capable of resurrecting the fortunes of independent/single-screen cinemas across the country. A film like that, if released widely, can give not just financial support and relief but also a ray of hope to owners and employees of theatres in the context of their future. We request you to plan the film’s release at every cinema in the country on Eid 2021 as there cannot be a better Eidi than that for us film exhibitors and more importantly for millions of your fans whom we cannot wait to welcome back at the theatres.Till date not even a single case of people contracting Covid-19 has been traced back to a cinema hall anywhere in the world and we are confident of keeping your fans safe by following comprehensive protocols and guidelines that have been issued by the concerned authorities.May 2021 bring lots of happiness, love and prosperity to you and your family. In anticipation of your support and on behalf of lakhs of Indians who make a living by working at and for cinema halls,”.
Well as we all know government has opened theaters with term of 50 percent occupancy.
Well few days back actor revealed people safety is important than film, if situation get normal he will consider theater otherwise he will go for theater release.
Well let’s see which platform Salman opt for release of Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai.