Punjabi singer actor turned bollywood star Diljit Dosanjh stuck himself in trouble, yes you heard right recently during New Year’s Eve concert in Ludhiana which was part of his ongoing Dil-Luminati India Tour, became the center of attention after a complaint was filed against the artist for performing songs with alcohol references, such as
‘Patiala Pegg’,
‘5 Tara Theke’, and
‘Case (Jeeb Vicho Feem Labbiya)’.
According to report
by ANI, the complaint, filed by Punditrao Dharenavar, an assistant professor from Chandigarh, highlighted concerns about the impact of these songs, especially on young audiences.
According to report complaint prompted the Deputy Director of the Women and Child Department in the Punjab Government to issue a formal notice to the Ludhiana District Commissioner.
Notice which was released goes like this it is pretenant to mention to local authorities to prevent Diljit Dosanjh from performing the controversial tracks during his live concert.
It’s not happening first time when Diljit Dosanjh stuck in trouble regarding his music’s alcohol reference. In the beginning of 2024, Diljit Dosanjh received a legal notice during his concert in Hyderabad, where same type of complaints were reported for his song lyrics were alchohal related songs were performed.