Akshay Getting Political
Some of may not aware of Akshay Kumar ‘s tweet regarding fuel hiek in 2012 when UPA government was

Some of may not aware of Akshay Kumar
‘s tweet regarding fuel hiek in 2012 when UPA government was in power. During that time actor in his tweet wrote ” Guys I think it’s time to clean up your bicycle and hit the road! Well recently actor deleted that tweet from twitter when petrol and diesel price touching new heights.
However some of Twitter followers are not happy with actors act of deleting tweet. For the same actor became victim of troll as some of followers wrote he is foreigner and some wrote ABVP supporter.
One of his follower wrote “Sir please can you lend me. Your bicycle, I will get it cleaned!! And another follower trolled actor adding Sir why you have deleted tweet, what you think, you have done right action, it seems in coming days you will delete all tweet regarding politics that you wrote before new government came into existence.
Well we also don’t understand why actor did so, however it’s his personal account, he has all right to delete comments, but somehow it raise question why he did so.