Aamir Come Forward Good Cause
Thugs of Hindostan Star Aamir Khan is on good move. Recently actor came forward and urged his fans and

Thugs of Hindostan Star Aamir Khan is on good move. Recently actor came forward and urged his fans and people to come forward and help victims of Cyclone Gaza that hit coastal area of Tamil Nadu and Nagapatnam which. took life of 60 individuals on 16th November.
Recently Aamir Khan took social platform twitter and requested his fans and people to come forward and donate clothes, medicine and money to help cyclone victims.
According to sources South actor Kamal Hassan appreciated actor for taking concern, actor said I thanks Aamir for coming forward to help cyclone victims.
Recently government of Tamil Nadu anounced that one lakh homes will be built for people who have lost their house due to cyclone Gaza.
We appreciate actor for coming forward and taking inciative in his hands for helping cyclone victims by requesting his fans and followers to come forward and help victims.