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Ranbir Kapoor Got Hurt During Fighting Sequence

Getting hurt during shooting of movie is becoming common these days, though all kind of safety measures are taken these

ranbirGetting hurt during shooting of movie is becoming common these days, though all kind of safety measures are taken these days during fighting and stunt scenes still injuries do happens.

This time it’s Ranbir Kapoor who got injured during the shooting of movie Bombay Velvet directed by Anurag Kashyap. He got injured during the shooting of fighting sequence, though the director of movie called Hollywood fight director for the movie. According to reports while shooting for the fight sequence Ranbir Kapoor got injured as he got his Knuckles and elbow injured and he was in severe pain.

Due to the injury fighting director of Bombay Velvet suggested Ranbir Kapoor to take rest for few days as he was going through pain. But Ranbir refused to take the rest and decided to carry on to  shoot the fighting sequence. This is what we call dedication towards your occupation. And there are few stars who are dedicated toward their profession and out of the Ranbir Kapoor is one who is very much dedicated.

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