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Binnoy K Gandhi Revealed Border Starcast Will Be Out Soon

According to latest development upcoming Border 2 star cast will be released in a GRAND event. Border 2 producer

Binnoy K Gandhi Revealed Border Starcast Will Be Out Soon

According to latest development upcoming Border 2 star cast will be released in a GRAND event.

Border 2 producer Binnoy K Gandhi shared information he shared “The star cast will be announced soon. Within a month, we are going to organize a big event where we are going to showcase the entire star cast with their characters and their getups.”

Sharing his Excitement about upcoming project Binnoy K Gandhi said, “We all have grown up watching Border and we all wanted to be a part of the army after watching the film! Border 2 is coming along very well. My wife Nidhi Dutta has written the script. My first reaction after reading it was ‘Wow, your father has written a great script’. She then revealed that she had written it. I refused to believe (laughs). Then, her assistant writer confirmed that Nidhi had indeed written it. It was one of the proudest moments for me. Also, it’s hard to match the first part. And here’s a girl who wants to go to Disneyland every July and suddenly one day writes a befitting script to Border (laughs)! That’s how the journey started on the sequel. As of now, it’s going great. We are planning to shoot in November.”

Well going through latest development fans Of Border franchise will start feeling excited to know about starcast.

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