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Maharaj Controversy Getting Worse

Maharaj Controversy not comming to end its getting worse, which is going to have impact on movie release date.

Maharaj Controversy Getting Worse

Maharaj Controversy not comming to end its getting worse, which is going to have impact on movie release date.

Well Maharaj stuck into legal fight as Court refused YRF and Netflix plea of releasing movie at prescribed date.

Recently Hon’ble Gujrat High Court passed order which is for halting movie release date, in plea Maharaj YRF and Netflix have pleaded for the stay on its streaming to be lifted. Well Maharaj stuck into controversy after a Hindu group appealed to the court to ban its release citing hurtful religious sentiments. Well according to order movie release date has been banned until June 18.

Maharaj is based real life event it is inspired from  Saurabh Shah’s book titled Maharaj. The author has also stated that the film does not vilify the Vaishnav community or the religion. It is about a social reformer who brought about positive change in society.

Book.author Saurabh Shah came forward and tweeted on his X twitter handle and shared a post defending the movie and appealing to everyone to watch the film first. In tweet he shared please watch movie and share your reviews Maharaj is neither against Sanatan nor the Vaishnav sect. Me and my family are part of the Vaishnav community with full devotion. Movie inspired from my  book Maharaj written by me and the film made by @yrf are both in favor of the Vaishnav community. It was because of this case of 1862 that the society was cleansed and even today lakhs of devotees thank Karsan Das Mulji. Maharaj is a story that Hindus should be proud of.

Well right now matter is in court, let’s see what verdict court passes on movie release will it release after 18th or get delay prior.

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